
Seamless Integration: Using Windows SSH Keys and ssh-agent in WSL2

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

Since the inclusion of OpenSSH support in Windows 10, using SSH in Windows has become easier than ever for Linux users. However, working with SSH in WSL can be a complicated topic, as Microsoft's doc…

Google ZX - The Shell Alternative for Complex Scripts

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

When it comes to executing complex scripts that require accessing the output of other shell commands or analyzing data structures like arrays, the standard shell scripting language Bash quickly hits …

Why you should start using VS Code devcontainers and GitHub Codespaces

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) devcontainers and GitHub codespaces are two tools that can greatly improve a developer's workflow by providing a consistent and secure development environment. VS Code de…

Creating an API integration using the Laravel Saloon package

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

The Laravel Saloon package is a powerful tool for creating API integrations for Laravel or any other PHP application. In this article, I will show you how to use this package to create a integration …

Configuring xDebug with Laravel and VS Code

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

Why step debugging? When writing software it does not matter how well the code is written or how cautious we are - there will inevitably be some bugs along the way. The proccess of solving a bug in a…

Adding backwards compatibility for 'docker-compose' with Docker Compose V2

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

Since the release of Docker Compose V2 it has not only been introduced as a core plugin to the new versions of Docker engine but most notably it's command synthax has changed from docker-compose to d…

How to integrate a custom faker provider in Laravel 8 factories

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

Factories are a conveniant way to easily generate data for our application for either testing or just general development purposes. Being able to quickly populate the database has benefits when devel…

Welcome to my blog

Published: Posted by Patrick Henninger

I welcome you to my Blog, here you will find posts covering topics in software development as well as my personal projects.